Dramis Rosso

Dramis Rosso

Grapes:  100% Magliocco Dolce from centenary vineyard

Rearing System: Spurred cordon

Type of environment:  calcareous clays

Agricultural Management: Biodynamic

Production Area:  Firmo, Cerzitello land-district (350 Mt. above sea level)

Planting distance: m 3,00 x 2,00

Number of stumps for hectare: 1800

Harvest time: last week of September / first ten days of October

Type of harvest: manual

Wine making: Maceration on the skins for 2-3 weeks, spontaneous fermentation in stainless steel tanks without temperature control

Maturation and refinement of the wine:  in oak barrels of 225-300 liters for 12 months, bottle aging for 10-12 months

Filtration: Not filtered



Category: Product ID: 1507


The grape varieties we grow are: white guarnaccia, black and white malvasia , sweet magliocco and Saracena Muscatel.
With these varieties we produce, in addition to the famous “Moscato Passito di Saracena”, five different wine labels: three white and two red. This year we started the production of rosé.